This design violates second normal form, because product name is dependent on product id, but not on order id, so it is not dependent on the entire primary key. 此设计违反了第二范式,因为“产品名称”依赖于“产品id”,但并不依赖于“订单id”,因此并不依赖于整个主键。
In the second, we make using of the method of HKW [ 14] which based on the center manifold theorem and normal form theory, and list two calculation formulas which reflect the stability with Hopf bifurcating periodic solution, and bifurcating direction. 其次,利用基于中心流形定理和规范形理论的HKW方法给出了确定Hopf分支周期解的稳定性,分支方向的计算公式,为数值模拟计算提供了依据。